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     Throughout my twenty-two year career in glass I have had the privilege to work for and study under some of the most renowned glass artists in the world such as Jay Musler, Mary Shaffer, Paul Stankard, and Clifford Rainey.

     I Began working with recycled glass in 2004 while studying under Paul Stankard at Salem.  Since then I have made it my mission to work exclusively with recycled materials and have developed several techniques that enable me to work with bottle glasses in a novel way.  I currently show at Jay Musler Gallery in San Francisco.


Education and Experience

Studio Owner

January 2000 - present

I have owned and operated my own glass studio for over twenty years producing a wide variety of both functional and sculptural work. 

Studio Assistant      Jay Musler Studios

January 2006 - Present

Flameworked components, welding frames, and painting.  Responsible for packing and shipping.

Flameworking Instructor
Public Glass

June 2007 - October 2008

Taught beginning flameworking, flameworking with recycled glass, and beadmaking.

Studio Assistant Marna Clark Studios

November 2007-2008

Produced a line of glass jewelry for high end retail stores such as the Gardener in Berkeley CA and Julie Artisans' Gallery in NYC.

Studio Asisstant 
California College of the Arts

October 2005-April 2006

Assisted shop tech with furnace rebuild and hotshop maintenance.

Bachelor of Fine Arts
California College of the Arts


Studied under world renowned artists such as Mary Schaffer, Jane Bruce, and Clifford Rainey

Associate of Fine Arts
Salem College


Studied under world renowned artists such as Paul Stankard and Anna Boothe

©2021 by Matthew Harvey studios.

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